Friday, July 26, 2013

Fun in the Sun


I don’t know about you guys, but this is my FAV time of year. The weather is amazing, {although sometimes it gets tooooo hot} there’s so many fun outdoor things to do, no COATS N BOOTS {although Uggs give me life} and I’m a SUMMER BABY… August to be exact. Here’s 3 of my favorite things to do in the summer.

Let’s start with BBQ, summertime is most notorious for BBQ. What better time to spend time with family and friends, and enjoy some good food. Try themed parties. Luau has to be one of my favorites. Some Hawaiian recipes, fruity drinks with cute little umbrellas, leis, and why not throw in some hula. You can’t go wrong.

Camping and cabins are also a fun thing to consider, if you’re an outdoorsy type of person and can deal with the bugs go for it, but I say if you’re like me go with the cabins, because the bugs I can’t deal with. However with both, take some games along or make up some while you’re there. Drinking games bring much excitement. (21 and over) .

Swimming Pools and Beaches. Water is the best!!! Wanna cool down or just have some water fun, just JUMP IN!!!!!!!!  I know some people don’t like the sand, so beaches aren't their preference, so swimming pools are the best bet. Take along some floats, a ball or two, jump off the diving board, have a race or two with friends, splash around a little bit, just enjoy!!!!

And remember its summer, you must Dress CUTE!!! You have no coat or nothing on to kill your vibe or not be able to show off your outfit. MAKE A STATEMENT!!!


I want to hear about your summer time fun. Feel free to email me at

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