Sunday, August 25, 2013


…wen talking about relationships, the spectrum is so broad, but yet ALL relationships with other people mostly have the same foundation. Friendships, family relationships, sexual relationships, spiritual relationships, etc are all based on loyalty, honesty, and respect. To me these are the most important things you can ask for from any relationship.

So let’s start with friendships…

This is a great topic for me at this time because I just ended a 20 year friendship. It took me sometime to realize, or shall I say pay attention to the things that were going on within our friendship. I realize that as people we grow, we change and learn things not only about ourselves but those around us. In this, it is not always good and can prove a person to be other than who we think they are. But then the respect comes into play, at no point is it OK for ANYONE to disrespect YOU and if they will, then you need to rid their presence in your life. I also learned that what a person will say or do to another when they are not around, you better believe they will do or say about you to another when you are not around, and that shows an issue with loyalty, honesty, and respect. Watch and be careful of those you call FRIENDS.

LOYALTY: the state or quality of being loyal; faithfulness to commitments or obligations…

HONESTY: truthfulness, sincerity, or  frankness…

RESPECT: esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person. A personal quality or ability. 

I want to hear from you, comment below or email me with your feelings on loyalty, honesty, and respect and what it means to you.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Simple Is Not Always Easy

So, as I prepare for school to start in the next few weeks, insert crying face, I have been doing some professional development to get me prepared for the upcoming school year. One of the things that I have been doing is reading this book called, "The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction". In this book there is a section, entitle Simple is Not Always Easy, where it presents this analogy about why diets fail and why some teachers do not meet standards; being the nerd that I am I loved the analogy and decided to "borrow" it for my blog post.

5 Causes of Failed Relationships:

1. Not having a good plan- Now I know in relationships you are supposed to take things as the come and not plan for things to happen either good or bad. However, I feel like you should plan on how much effort or work you're going to put into your relationship. If you plan to put little effort into your relationship and see where it goes, then I can tell you now it will end at the first argument or first problem. 

2. Not having the desire- There's nothing worse than being in a relationship that you don't want to be in but you're staying to spare the other person's feelings. If you are not happy, if you are no longer satisfied, if you feel like you need a change of pace and the other person does not then honey DO NOT STAY because it only gets worse not better. Both people involved should want the relationship to change and grow as they grow. 

3. Procrastination- (Authors' note*- Address this issue in next blog post about relationships or next relationships.) 

4. Not recognizing the opportunity loss- You never know unless you try and you'll never try unless you know. Do not be afraid to try new things with your loved one. If all y'all do is sit around and watch T.V. like an old married couple then you will never realize how much fun couple bonding stuff you're missing out on. Try to get your boyfriend/girlfriend to go try something new that will give y'all a little excitement and quality time as a couple, you can even invite your couple friends.

5. Not having support- Plain and simple! If you want to work on the relationship but your significant other doesn't then you're in a world of trouble.

***I have not always been in the happy place that I am now. But, now that I am here I'm loving it and working hard to keep it. Sometimes it's best to not listen to what your friends or family say if you know that what you have is genuine and real, however if you have your doubts and everyone is confirming your doubts then you need to just go ahead and let go. IT IS NOT BETTER TO HAVE A PIECE OF MAN/WOMAN THAN NO MAN/WOMAN!!!*** 

Please take the time to post below some of the reasons you feel that relationships fail!!! :-)

As always you may contact me at: